
Teaching Practice

For Medical Students | University GP Medical Students | Post Qualification GP Students

Medical Students

We are proud to be an integral part of training GP medical students and post qualification GPs. We also train Physician Associates, Community Pharmacists and nurses.

With the patient’s consent students may sit in on consultations with the GP or nurse to learn about general practice.

You may be asked to consult with a medical student before you see your GP. As they are training, and as part of their education, we may ask you to allow a student to discuss your medical history or problems with you or examine you either observed by or then discussed with the GP.

We hope that you will assist with their training by agreeing to consult with them if an appointment is offered to you and your cooperation will be appreciated. However, if for any reason you would prefer not to see them, please make us aware when you make an appointment.

University GP Medical Students

The first stage in becoming a doctor involves 5 years of University Education where a student learns about all aspects of medicine and clinical practice. During their training students undertake placements in GP Practices where they gain knowledge of how General Practice works.

We have medical students throughout the year. The students who are mainly, but not exclusively, from Southampton University are in the practice for a period of approximately 4-6 weeks at a time. They have not yet qualified as doctors, and so will not make decisions about your diagnosis and treatment without a qualified doctor being present.

Post Qualification GP Students

We are also a training practice for Foundation Year doctors. FY2 doctors are in their second-year post qualification and are required to spend 4 months in General Practice as a part of their post qualification experience.

We also train Specialist Trainee doctors (ST2 or ST3) in their second or final year of specialist GP training.

They are qualified doctors and you can consult with them as you would with any of the other doctors in the practice. FY and ST doctors have full access to your medical records and they are supervised at all surgeries by one of our regular doctors.